
     Being hospitalized, gratitude is something I realized I've taken for granted. Just saying thank you or telling someone that you appreciate what they are doing can make a difference in someone's day. Simply being grateful for waking up or being able to get dressed or brush your teeth is something that we tend to overlook. In the hospital, there was  a spirituality therapy that I was unsure of just because of the name spirituality. 

    Personally, I am not very religious due to my past traumas where I felt God was not there when I needed him. I was very religious when I was younger due to my parents. With that being said, I decided to give this session a chance. Being in the hospital, I learned to be more open to experiences and accept what I can not control. 

     When the session started, it was led by a Rabi who had purple hair. This was interesting to see a person of worship with that style. He first began by stating this is not based on religion but gabbing faith. The Rabi then went into speaking about gratitude and we went over an interesting article about what we are thankful for. Simply by saying thank you can make a whole difference in a persons life. Don’t take the little things for granted. Learn to live in the moment and appreciate what you have going on in front of you. 

     To me, this was eye opening because I had been taking everything in my life for granted. I thought I had nothing going for me but simply reevaluating my life I learned to see the bigger picture. Grateful for being independent and the people I have in my life.  I had let my depression take everything away from me but no more. We went around saying what we were thankful for and I said I’m thankful for my friend and personal trainer Conor Klump. We’re not talking right now because of a falling out but hope to fix that. Conor had been there for me when I needed someone helped me with my depression through working out and just talking to each other. Now that he is upset with me he acts out of anger saying we are not close and we’re not friends. I have no hard feelings but to fix things with him. I’m thankful for meeting conor and for him changing my life for the better. I hope to one day fix things with him. 


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